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... 本文轉載自公眾號萬科周刊(ID:vankeweekly) 2020年4月2日,萬科企業股資產管理中心(以下簡稱「萬科企業股中心」)與清華大學教育基金會簽署捐贈協議,代表萬科人全體,將企業股中心的全部資產2億股萬科股票一次性捐贈給清華教育基金會,用於設立「清華大學萬科公共衛生與健康學科發展專項基金」,萬科將與清華大學一道,共建清華大學萬科公共衛生與健康學院,世界衛生組織原總幹事陳馮富珍將出任首任院長,萬科創始人、董事會名譽主席王石出任學院理事會名譽理事長。 這一專項基金將在支持科研創新、獎勵科研成果和引進人才等方面持續支持該學院的建設和發展。清華大學與萬科集團將充分發揮各自優勢,切實推進公共衛生領域人才培養、科學研究和政策制定,有力提升我國應對重大突發公共衛生事件水平,為增進人類健康福祉貢獻力量。學院將按照綜合、國際、高端的原則,充分發揮清華大學學科優勢,創建教師跨學科合作和學生跨院系培養新模式和交叉協作新文化。預計設立預防醫學、大健康、健康大數據、公共健康政策與管理四個國家亟需、面向未來的學科方向。 此次捐贈的2億股萬科股票當前市值約53億元人民幣,是目前國內對高校基金會的最大金額的單筆捐贈,更具意義的是,此次並非企業捐款,捐出的並非萬科上市公司資產,而是員工集體捐贈。萬科不會就此捐贈行為謀求任何商業利益或經濟回報。 王石表示,這是全體萬科人心愿達成的時刻。這筆資產,源於1988年股份制改革時留下的企業股,相當於員工集體股,是萬科全體員工共同持有的資產,並於9年前經全體員工一致決定,將這筆財富貢獻給社會公益事業。得益於萬科持續穩健增長的業績,這批企業股從32年前的520萬,增值到9年前的9個多億,再增值到今天的53億,這是從1984年萬科成立起,數十萬萬科人36年努力奮鬥的共同成果和財富。今天我們把它全數捐贈給人類的公共衛生與健康事業,對於萬科企業股資產來說,這是它最好的歸宿。同時作為在深圳創立和發展起來的企業,王石希望清華大學萬科公共衛生與健康學院,能積極參與並大力支持深圳市公共衛生事業的發展。 作為參與捐贈的萬科全體員工的一份子,萬科董事會主席郁亮表示,新冠疫情這場史無前例的全球公共衛生安全危機,讓人類共同體如此息息相關、命運相連。每個人都無法置身事外,也無法獨善其身,「活下去」成為非常真實的存在,我們每一個人都能真切感受到疫情抗擊的艱難和挑戰,也能切身體會到提高公共衛生髮展水平的重要性。經歷此次疫情,公共衛生與健康必然成為全球最受關注的課題之一,亟待研究攻堅。恰在此時,清華大學籌建公共衛生與健康學院希望得到萬科支持,受萬科企業股中心委託,我們迅速與清華大學教育基金會達成了共建清華大學萬科公共衛生與健康學院的共識。「感君托高義,終不負初心」,能讓這筆財富在社會最需要的時候做些有意義的事情,這是以創始人王石為首的全體萬科人36年奮鬥歷程收到最好的禮物。█ Vanke employees,advocated by WANG Shi,donated 200 million shares to build Vanke School of Public Health with Tsinghua University On April 2, 2020, Vanke founding shareholders』 equity management center (hereinafter referred to as the Center) and Tsinghua University Education Foundation signed a donation agreement. According to the agreement, the Center, on behalf of all Vanke employees, donated the entirety of its asset - 200 million Vanke shares - to Tsinghua University Education Foundation. It will be used to set up the Tsinghua University Vanke Pulic Health Discipline Development Special Fund. Vanke and Tsinghua University will work together to build the Vanke School of Public Health, Tsinghua University. Margaret Chan, former Director-General of WHO will be the first Dean of the school and Mr. Wang Shi, founder and Honorary Chairman of Vanke will be the school’s Honorary Director. The special fund will be used to continuously buttress future development of the school by supporting research and innovation, rewarding scientific findings and bringing in needed talents. Vanke and Tsinghua will fully utilize their respective advantages, to effectively facilitate training of professionals, scientific research and policy making in the public health area, with the aim of significantly improving China’s ability to handle major public health emergencies, and contributing to the well-being of mankind. The school will take a comprehensive, international and high standard approach, give full play to disciplinary strengths of Tsinghua University, and create a new model of interdisciplinary cooperation by the faculty and inter-school cultivation of students, as well as a new culture of cross-functional collaboration. The school plans to set up four major fields - preventive medicine, 「big health」, health care big data, and public health policy and administration. These four fields are believed to be essential for the country’s public health system in the future. With the current worth of RMB5.3 billion yuan, the 200 million shares donated was the single largest of the kind to university foundations in China so far. What makes it more significant is that it was not a company donation. It didn』t come from Vanke as a listed company. Instead, it was collective donation by all Vanke employees, making this the largest single donation by employees of a company in the charity history of China. Vanke will not seek any commercial interests or economic returns with the act. Wang Shi said that this was the dream-come-true moment for all employees of Vanke. This asset originated from the equity stake in the firm put aside by founding shareholders in the corporatization process back in 1988. It is held by all employees of Vanke who nine years ago collectively and unanimously decided to donate it for charity purposes. Attributable to Vanke’s sound performance, the worth of this asset has grown from RMB 5.2 million 32 years ago, to 900 million 9 years ago and then to 5.3 billion today. This is a common achievement and collective wealth attributable to the hard work of tens of thousands of Vanke employees over the span of 36 years ever since 1984. Its donation today to the public health cause of the mankind is the best outcome for Vanke founding shareholders equity. At the same time, given that Vanke came into being and grew stronger in Shenzhen, Wang Shi expressed hope that Vanke School of Public Health, Tsinghua University would take part in and generously support improvement of health care services in Shenzhen. As one of the Vanke employees who made the donation, Chairman Yu Liang said, COVID-19 has caused an unprescedented global public health crisis, bringing all human beings closely together as members of a community with shared future. No one is able to stay aloof or handle it alone. To stay alive becomes a real issue. Each and every one of us experiences hardship and faces challenges in fighting the virus. We have all come to realize the importance of higher public health standards. Public health will surely emerge from this pandemic as the most prominent subject globally. Much more critical research work needs to be done, and done fast. It is at this point that Tsinghua University expressed hope to receive Vanke’s support to build a school of public health. Entrusted by the Center, we swiftly reached agreement with Tsinghua University Education Foundation to build the school together. With commitment to a lofty cause, one shall always stay true to his mission. The chance to use this asset for a meaningful cause, when it’s most needed, is the best gift for Vanke founder Mr. Wang Shi and all employees for 36 years of hard work.█









壹讀 https://read01.com/Dne02Dd.html











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